Cleaning Checklist Free Printable

cleaning checklist free printable

Have you ever heard the quote, “A clean house is the sign of a boring person.”?

It needs to be one of my next wood sign projects!

I love to create and I like to feel that it makes me a more interesting person. On the other hand, my creative endeavors often tend to be messy ones.

Reality is, I still live with three other people that I love and care about. We all try to work on keeping the home relatively tidy, but it can be a challenge.

If I don’t stay on top of the mess, I tend to experience burnout. I find it difficult to be creative when I have a sink full of dirty dishes staring at me, or a cluttered work area.

Having a list of things that I want to accomplish, helps me to prioritize and get things done. While I may not have a perfectly clean house, I feel more accomplished when I’ve been able to check those daily priorities off my list.

How about you? Do you find yourself in a creative slump because of other things that need to be done?

Get Your Free Cleaning Checklist Printable

Get a link to your checklist below.

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My Simple Checklist

Today I wanted to share with you my simple cleaning checklist free printable. I added a little bit of color while keeping it as simple as possible.

I hope you like this one and want to use it to prioritize your daily cleaning tasks.


When using this link you’ll have access to a PDF document in a compressed zipped folder for quick and easy download. Just save your cleaning checklist to your computer to print over and over again.

Then plan your day with more time for doing what you love to do.

Thanks for stopping by today and have a wonderful and creative day!

Do you want to see some of my other free printables? You can find them HERE!

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