Free Menu Planner Printable
and Recipe Notebook Page
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Healthy eating is a very important part of raising a healthy family. As a mom of eight, I can certainly vouch for this.
But no matter what size your family, planning for healthy meals can be a chore. Am I right?
I don’t know about many of you but do you have picky eaters?
How about anyone in the family who struggles with food allergies?
As for myself, I’m a migraine sufferer. I’ve struggled since I was a teenager. Several years back I decided to look into food sensitivities and there were several. Do you want to know what helped the most?
It was a strict Paleo diet along with some adjustments for food sensitivities that finally pulled me out of the pit. After years of struggles, I cut my migraines down about 75%. It was amazing. In addition to feeling migraine relief, I lost 60 pounds. That was nearly as amazing as the migraine relief.
It Takes Planning
I’m sure you know what it’s like. You’re busy. Maybe you work at home, or maybe not.
I was working at the time and had 5 kiddos still in school. In order to continue on with my healthy eating plan, I really did have to learn some new habits. It took time and research along with a boatload of experimentation.
You might wonder what I did after the year was over. Well, I decided to go a little more moderate. That worked out for a while. But you know what happened?
It was just like the saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” I hate to admit it, but it’s really like that.
Getting Back on Track
It’s not really that I failed entirely. The kids were healthy and I continued to work on making healthy meals.
But if you’re a mom, you can certainly relate. Sometimes we sort of keep ourselves out of the equation. It can take a toll on our health.
It’s been fairly recently that I decided it’s time to get back to more healthy eating. That includes better menu planning.
It wasn’t too long ago that I shared my doctor and dentist visits printable HERE. It was my effort to clean out my files and be more organized. The last thing I want to do is start filling up the sheet with lots of visits.
Free Menu Planning Printable and Recipe Page
Just as with the doctor and dental visits, I wanted to organize my meal planning. So I’m sharing a couple of healthy eating resources with you today.
Weekly Menu Planner
One of them is a meal planner sheet. This has room for seven days of evening meals, although you could add breakfast and lunch as well.
It also has room to add to your shopping list as you do your menu plan.
I know many people use more color and make their printables more fun. But if you’re looking for a simple page that doesn’t use up your colored ink, you’ve come to the right place.

Recipe Notebook Printable
The next part of this resource is the recipe page. There is room for ingredients, amount, instructions, and also some prep notes.
I like to write down recipes that I find. Everything is on one simple sheet to be stored in a notebook of family favorites.
I’ll have a download link for these two printables at the end of the post.

Get My Meal Planning Sheets
You can download the meal planning sheets with the link below. If you have questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you.
Thanks for stopping by today and have a great day!